Home / News / Invectys AT BIO-Europe Spring 2019, Vienna March 25th 27th

Invectys AT BIO-Europe Spring 2019, Vienna March 25th 2...

BIO-Europe Spring 2019

March 25th – 27th 2019

Messe Wien Exhibition and Congress Center, Vienna, Austria

Invectys will be attending the BIO-Europe Spring 2019.

BIO-Europe Spring aims at bringing together the “who’s who” from the Pharma and Biotech world, foster partnerships and give participants an overview of investing opportunities and partnering and development strategies.

If you would like to set up a meeting, feel free to contact us at contact@invectys.com.




About BIO-Europe Spring 2019 :

“This year’s event in Vienna will bring together the “who’s who” from the biotech, pharma and finance segments to allow delegates to meet more key decision makers in three days of partnering meetings than they could in a whole year.

CONNECTING THE DOTS FROM DISCOVERY TO COMMERCIALISATION : Advance Your Translational Human Microbiome Research, Clinical Trials, Emerging Technology, Manufacturing and Regulatory Acumen


One-to-one meetings
Access hundreds of potential partners with the world’s leading web-based partnering system, partneringONE®.

Company Pitches
Early stage projects, innovative startups, established biotech or midsize pharma companies present their innovative assets or ideas directly in front of real decision makers.

Gain insight
Hear key biotech and pharma leaders discuss the latest industry trends in workshops and panels.

Showcase your brand
Optimize your investment with flexible and tailored solutions. Contact us if you are interested in Sponsorship or Exhibit opportunities.

Informal networking
At BIO-Europe Spring, there are plenty of opportunities for you to network – in-between partnering meetings, program sessions, during lunch, receptions, in the exhibition, and our special evening networking receptions.

Pre-event Courses
Hands-on, practical courses are an ideal opportunity to boost your business development skills right before BIO-Europe Spring.